PVC vs. Painted Cabinet Doors | The Door Maker

PVC vs. Painted Cabinet Doors

BY superuser, News Aug 30 2019

PVC vs. Painted Cabinet Doors

Author: Ksenija Lebec


PVC vs. Painted Cabinet Doors

An argument/discussion exists today regarding the various attributes of painted kitchen cabinet doors versus PVC doors.

Let’s go ahead and assume both doors are made of the same grade MDF (medium density fiberboard) and both are CNC’d by the identical machines using identical tools. With these manufacturing processes aside, the only remaining arguments are quality, design, and longevity.

Let us start with the benefits of PVC.


Benefits of PVC Cabinet Doors

Colour Range

Today, unlike 20 years ago, major companies like Alpha Therm from Milan, Italy have invested heavily into PVC, producing a vast array of colours including:

  • Wood grains that have embossing which resembles real wood, 
  • High gloss colours with an almost mirror-like shine and
  • Matte colours that resemble the look and feel of paint

Currently, TDM carries over 150 colours with the ability to get 350 more colours within days.



Again unlike yesterday, PVC is very durable with a scratch resistance of 20 lbs, a UV barrier embedded into the first colour layer protecting the door against the sun’s rays, and a heat test of 95 degrees for 5 days to prevent delamination.


Compared to painted doors PVC is the less expensive option but with the same colour range and higher durability then painted.

Design Ability

Small run painted project can and do become very expensive. With PVC, it is a matter of changing the colour sheet during production. PVC comes with a 10-year warranty and a life expectancy of 20 years.

Cons of Painted Cabinet Doors

  • Painted doors chip very easily and are not as durable as PVC. You can cover the damage of a painted door, however, you will need to do this several times over the life of the door.
  • Matching is a major issue. With paint, it is very hard to perfectly match the painted door even the next day and over time it becomes even more difficult due to fade, yellowing and overall discolouration.
  • Lead time is an issue as painted doors can take up to 30 days to get the order.

Overall it is your design preference that will determine your choice of door. Paint has the silky smooth finish but will crack over time while PVC is durable but does have issues still with steam. Please review the care and maintenance section here to better understand PVC doors.
Choose the one that suits you best by matching the doors to your countertops, flooring and backsplash. And always keep in mind it is your kitchen. Purchase the doors that make you feel best. 
Happy designing! Click here to get your design ideas and to purchase your next set of kitchen cabinet doors.



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